Monday, September 04, 2006

Why is it we are so hung up on youth? Cause it's pretty and gives us a since of immortality.

Why are we so obsessed with celebrities looking bad? Cause they look so perfect most of the time. And it's like an accident on the highway, we all slow down to take a look or look away because we don't want to see the possibilities.

You might say I am working through my mid-life crisis online. Or could it be mental-pause? Probably all of the above. The truth is, we are all going to get old and wrinkled if we are lucky enough to live that long. I know there are people who don't feel like that would be lucky but you need an attitude adjustment.

Here, I am going to record my aging process and how I deal with it. I think it will help me to get my thoughts out of my head and on-line.
Hopefully it will help anyone who reads it, whether you are young and don't comprehend aging or you are older and been there done that.

Let's just call me Marilyn. Not my real name of course, but I have gone by Marilyn in the past, but that is another story I will tell you sometime.

For now I will post my thoughts and feelings about aging. This of course is tied into my life experiences so you will get to know more about me.
I will examine what effect my experiences and choices in life have on who I am as I grow older.


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